Parenting Time Washington IL

Looking for Legal Assistance for Parenting Time in Washington IL?

Borsberry Law is a law firm with decades of experience in family law cases like parenting time in Washington IL. Attorney Joseph M. Borsberry offers more than 23 years of experience, legal acumen, negotiation skills, and successful courtroom representation to assist with your case. He can help you in the following ways:

Parenting Time Washington IL
  • Explain your rights and obligations under Illinois law.
  • Guide you through the parenting time process.
  • Form a customized legal strategy for your specific circumstances and desired outcomes.
  • Negotiate with your ex-spouse or their representative to avoid lengthy court battles.
  • Mediate disputes to help you reach an agreement with your ex-spouse.
  • File all the legal documents required accurately and on time.
  • Represent you in court, present evidence on your behalf, and advocate for your interests.
  • Collect witness testimony, supporting evidential documents, and any other evidence required and present it to argue on your behalf.

Our firm has experience with all family law cases, including parenting time, divorce, child support, alimony, and juvenile law. We can help you fight for the best interests of you and your child. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

What Get Decided in Parenting Time Cases?

The court will issue an order on a parenting plan that will define the schedule of when parents can spend time with their children. Many aspects of a child-parent relationship get decided when it comes to parenting time in Washington IL. Here are key issues decided in a parenting plan:

  • Decision-Making Responsibilities – A judge will determine which parent is the best one to make decisions concerning the child’s schooling, home life, religion, medical treatment, and participation in activities.
  • Schedules for Time Spent with the Child – In addition, a parenting plan will outline a schedule for when each parent will get to spend time with their child. In addition to regular days, it will also include who the child will spend time with on holidays, birthdays, special family occasions, and other important events in the child’s life.
  • Transportation and Child Exchange Arrangements – Also, a parenting plan will establish when and where child custody exchanges will take place and which parent is responsible for transporting the child to them.
  • Facilitation of Communication – This part of the parenting plan will determine what are acceptable ways for parents to communicate with each other and with their child.
  • Dispute Resolution – If the ex-spouses have a dispute arise, this part of the plan will outline the acceptable ways to resolve them.

If you and your ex-spouse cannot come to an agreement, Borsberry Law can help you negotiate a favorable parenting plan. Attorney Joseph M. Borsberry will argue on your behalf to reach terms that reflect the best interests of your child and your family.

Parenting Time Washington IL

Schedule a Consultation

Borsberry Law offers free initial consultations when you need to discuss your circumstances on cases involving parenting time in Washington IL. So, fill out our online contact form now to schedule an appointment. In addition, you can schedule a consultation by calling our local office during daily office hours at 309-637-9000. We are open from 8:30 am to 5 pm on Mondays through Thursdays and 8:30 am to 4 pm on Fridays.