Find Help Navigating Juvenile Law in Peoria IL
Everyone makes mistakes, and so too can your children. If caught breaking the law, your child must contend with juvenile law in Peoria IL. Just like the adult criminal justice system, the juvenile system can be confusing to navigate without assistance. If the need ever arises where a minor in your family requires legal representation and guidance, Borsberry Law can help.
Borsberry Law is the experienced family lawyer you want assisting you with your most complicated cases. Joseph Borsberry and his team are equipped to handle all aspects of family and juvenile law. We have taken on hundreds of cases over the years, and we advocate for the rights of minors throughout Peoria and the Central Illinois area.
What Does Juvenile Court Entail?
Cases involving minors in our law system we treat differently than criminally charged adults. Thus, we bring these cases to juvenile court. There are several key differences with the juvenile court, and children are not always there due to delinquency reasons.
- Status Offenses
- Rules your child might break that only apply to minors the law refers to as status offenses. Children may be brought to juvenile court when in violation of one of these minor centric rules. For example, these rules consist of breaking curfew, truancy, running away, underage drinking and more.
- Dependency Cases
- A dependency case is not when the child has done wrong, but when their parents are suspected of wrongdoing. When we bring these cases to juvenile court, they are meant to determine whether a child is in danger of being abused under their current guardianship. A court will decide whether the minor in question should be moved from their current home environment.
- Delinquency Cases
- The remainder of cases brought before a juvenile court consist of delinquency cases. A delinquency case is a case that can typically be charged to an adult. However, the law charges minors differently than adults in these cases. Based on the severity of the offense, the juvenile’s age, past record, etc., the prosecutors, police officers and judge determine the outcome.

Other Law Practices We Cover
If looking for someone to assist you with the process of juvenile law in Peoria IL, Borsberry Law can provide the guidance and advice you need. Additionally, we handle a variety of other law practices. We can help individuals with cases involving:
Call Our Office
Juvenile Law in Peoria IL can be confusing. But, with a little help from Borsberry Law, you can successfully navigate the intricacies of a juvenile court. Call us today at (309) 228-9007 to receive a free consultation. Also, we are located at 203 NE. Jefferson, Peoria, IL 61602, across the street from the Peoria County Court House.