Discover Legal Options in Response to Drug Crimes in East Peoria IL
While attitudes around drugs and drug usage have been slowly evolving among social circles, the laws have stayed relatively unchanged. As such, if being charged with drug crimes in East Peoria IL, you face steep fines and potential jail time. However, you still have legal options available to you. With the help of a drug lawyer, you can fight for a better case outcome. Talk with the team at Borsberry Law to discover what can be done about your case.
Common Drug Offences
Numerous laws surround controlled substances in Illinois. If concerned over what charges might be brought against you, here are some of the more common drug crimes for East Peoria IL and throughout the state:
- Unlawful Possession of Drugs – It’s illegal to be in possession of drugs such as cocaine, meth, LCD and other Schedule I substances. Penalties change dependent on the amount of a drug in your possession.
- Drug Trafficking – When picturing drug trafficking, most think of large-scale smuggling operations of illegal drugs across the border. However, trafficking charges can also result from something as simple as transporting a small bag of a substance across state lines.
- Distribution of Drugs – Although trafficking and distribution are sometimes considered interchangeable terms, Illinois classifies each as a separate offense. Distribution refers to an exchange between multiple parties, whether a sale, gift or otherwise.
- Drug Manufacturing – If you are involved in any step of the manufacturing process for controlled substances, such as meth, you can be charged with a crime. An offer of assistance alone can be enough to press drug manufacturing charges.
- Driving Under the Influence – DUIs aren’t only limited to cases involving alcohol. Even for marijuana (now legal in the state), you can receive a DUI charge if caught driving while using a said drug or are under its effects.
What We Do
In response to being charged with a drug offense, you ought to hire an attorney right away. With help from Borsberry Law, we can secure a better outcome for your case. For example, our team will negotiate with prosecutors to reduce charges or have them dropped. And if your case proceeds to court, we will fight for fair sentencing. Or, if relevant, we can argue a case for your innocence. And if not needing a drug lawyer, Borsberry can still help with various other legal matters. For example, our practice areas include:
Contact Our Office
Don’t let drug crimes for East Peoria IL get the best of you. Find the legal representation you require with Borsberry Law. You can contact us today at 309-637-9000 to request a free consultation. Also, we are located at 203 NE Jefferson St, Peoria, IL 61602.