Count on Borsberry for Custody Law in Peoria IL
If you are heading toward divorce and concerned about getting visitation rights or custody of your children, now is not the time to panic. Instead, call Borsberry Law for Custody Law in Peoria IL. With over 20 year’s experience and an office right by the Peoria Courthouse, Joseph Borsberry brings a depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise to your case.
Tips if You are Involved in a Custody Battle
Make your children your number one priority. Spend as much time with your children as possible. Don’t hang out with single friends. Instead, spend time doing family activities with other friends and their children.
Don’t schedule work time to interfere with your family time. If you are at work when your children are at home, this won’t work in your favor, says Borsberry Law Custody Law Peoria IL. As much as possible, take the children with you. This is especially easy to do if you have your own business.
Protect your character. Don’t talk negatively about the child’s other parent or your in-laws and their families. Refrain from arguing in front of the children or worrying them unnecessarily over the impending divorce and custody battle.
Friends who take illegal drugs, use alcohol to excess or have felony convictions are not the friends you need to win your custody case. Don’t hang with folks of bad character. If you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t see them around the children and don’t see them instead of the children.
Get the Help you Need
To win your case involving custody law in Peoria IL, you should seek help for addiction, if this is a problem you have been contending with. Drug or alcohol addictions, gambling and mental health issues are all common problems that people have. Going to counseling or recovery groups can show a judge that you are making a conscious effort to be a suitable guardian for your children.

Stability and Outstanding Parenting
Stability is the key to your continued rights to parent your child. Although your life may be in upheaval now, don’t let that trickle down to your children. Don’t move out of the family home unless you are in danger. Don’t change jobs or have the children change schools.
Stay On Top of Things
Be a parent, not a friend, to a child. Don’t bribe them to like you. Set reasonable limits with consequences. Keep track of the child’s school, activity and health needs on a calendar and refer to it often. Know the facts about your children: who their friends, their doctors and their teachers are; what they like to play with; their food likes and dislikes. A judge will catch on if you don’t really spend much time with your children or know them thoroughly.
Contact Borsberry Law
Borsberry Law is proud to be in our new location at 203 NE Jefferson, Peoria IL 61602 or call 309-637-9000.