Defend Your Tomorrow Now with an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Peoria IL
When your freedom is at stake, you need a reputable, professional, and reachable criminal defense attorney in Peoria IL. At Borsberry Law, we understand that when you are facing imprisonment, crippling fines, damage to your reputation with a permanent criminal record, and possible loss of employment due to the outcome of your case, it is critical to build your best defense strategy.
Criminal law cases can negatively impact you for the rest of your life. A conviction can make it harder for you to get an apartment, a job, educational opportunities, and maintain personal relationships. Thus, it is vitally important to receive the legal counsel and representation you need to avoid darker times ahead. Attorney Joseph M. Borsberry provides decades of experience with successfully defending clients in cases involving DUI, traffic violations, gun charges, sex crimes, theft, drug crimes, domestic crimes, violent crimes, and more.
Our criminal defense attorney makes defending your tomorrow his priority. He will help you build a strategy to get charges against you dismissed or reduced. So, contact Borsberry Law now to request a consultation.
How Do I Protect Myself When I am Being Arrested?
It is important to understand your rights when you are being detained and arrested by law enforcement. For more detailed information, request a consultation with our criminal defense attorney in Peoria IL. Here is a basic guide on how to handle your encounter with police:
Understanding Your Rights
- You have the right to remain silent. For instance, you do not need to answer any questions from law enforcement about where you live, what you are doing, where you are coming from, or where you are going. Say out loud that you want to exercise your right to remain silent.
- You do not need to consent to a police search. However, they may pat you down if they suspect you are carrying a weapon. Make a timely objection to their search, even if they carry out one against your will.
- You have the right to speak with a lawyer if you are being arrested.
- In addition, you do not need to answer questions about whether you are a U.S. citizen, where you are born, or how you entered in the country.
How to Reduce Risks to Yourself
- Do not run away, obstruct, or resist officers. These are additional offenses for which they can charge you.
- Avoid providing false documents or lying to the police.
- Make sure your hands are always where the police can see them.
What to Do While You Are Being Arrested
- Tell the police that you wish to remain silent and that you want to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. Do not say anything, sign anything, or make any statements to the police without speaking with your attorney first.
- You have the right to make a phone call. The police cannot listen to the call if you call a lawyer. If you call anyone else, the police can and often do listen to those calls.
What to Do if You Believe Police Violated Your Rights
- Write down everything that you remember. Be sure to write down police officer names, badge numbers, and whether they were Peoria Police, Peoria County Sheriff’s Office, Illinois State Police, or officers from another jurisdiction.
- Obtain and write down contact information for any witnesses who observed how officers handled you during the arrest.
- Seek medical attention right away and get pictures if you are injured by law enforcement.
- File a written complaint with that police agency.
Why Choose Our Criminal Defense Attorney in Peoria IL?
Attorney Joseph M. Borsberry has dedicated decades of his life to defending the rights of those accused of committing crimes. He has more than 23 years of experience with successfully defending clients in criminal court. As a local criminal defense attorney in Peoria IL, he offers greater accessibility than regional or statewide law firms. Plus, he makes sure you are heard, understood, and vigorously protected with your rights and freedoms. He makes it his priority to see that he brings you the outcome that you deserve in your case.

Contact Our Local Criminal Defense Attorney
Remember to consult with Borsberry Law before possibly incriminating yourself with statements to the police. Schedule a consultation now by calling 309-637-9000. In addition, you can reach us by message through our website form or by emailing jborsberry@borsberrylaw.com. We can help if you need a criminal defense attorney in Peoria IL, East Peoria IL, Pekin IL, or Morton IL.